Pump pump it up!

When sitting or laying down, you can pump your spinal fluid (think squeezing out empty toothpaste). This fluid will activate your brain in the way it was intended. Without getting too in-depth, telepathy, mind reading, remote viewing, astral projection and more are embedded in your Christ anatomy. This can be enhanced alchemically when a man preserves the sperm and as it can activate and serve to scrub his pineal gland clean by having the Chrism (Christ) oil travel up the spine. You can develop muscles for it to work, but you can also come by it naturally when the holy spirit moves through you, or when a loved one compels your emotions into an emergent thrust of energy up the spine. You can treat it like a daily work out like squeezing the toothpaste up the spine. Learning prayer and meditation while clearing the mind of thoughts is helpful, but a focus on Christ consciousness through an assembly of deeds and goodwill can help the fluid flow up the spine through the pulsation of positive emotions. It's all frequency.

Pineal Gland Activation
The pineal gland a pea-sized and pinecone-shaped organ residing in the center of the brain, between the right and left hemispheres. So, unlike most parts of the brain, it stands alone and not paired. It is part of the endocrine system which regulates growth and metabolism. Not much is known about the pineal gland as far as mainstream science goes. They know it regulates melatonin which is an anti-aging substance, aids in our sleep and that a malfunction in the pineal gland leads to hormonal imbalance. Aside from that, it's just a mysterious organ to science.

In the Christian, Buddhist, yogic and other esoteric traditions, the pineal gland is the seat of the soul - the bridge between the physical and the metaphysical. It is widely regarded as instrumental in opening the third eye or activating the Ajna Chakra. The 3rd Eye not a physical organ but a state of consciousness where you see clarity beyond the physical perception of the senses - higher dimensions of perception open up.

How To Breathe To Activate The Pineal Gland
This incorporates the methods of Dr. Joe Dispenza.

  1. start with empty lungs, then squeeze the anus (Mula Bandha) while inhaling, visualizing that you're pumping up the spinal fluid upwards through the spine

  2. when the lungs and belly are fully inflated, hold the breathand follow-up the squeezing anal-action by contracting the muscles around the energy chakras lower belly, solar plexus, heart, through the throat, pass the third eye, and up the crown chakra of the head.

  3. when the concentration and sensation is up the crown Chakra, take the chin down towards the chest and concentrate on the spinal fluid in the brain.

  4. By squeezing, pumping and pushing-up this powerful energy (the same energy that creates a baby, the same energy that activates your beast mode in times of survival, etc.), the energy is released back up to the brain (imagine ignition and fireworks happening inside the brain with emergent blissful sensations)

  5. The brain at this point transitions into Gamma Brain Wave pattern. This creates an altered state of super awareness and heightened consciousness, resulting in a feeling of euphoria, bliss, and lightness.

  6. This creates a domino-effect that hits the pineal gland. The pineal gland now releases melatonin, an anti-oxidant that sedates our survival mode. This suppresses our appetite, our sex drive and other earthly drives. This causes us to fully relax at the present moment.

  7. Melatonin regulates sleep/waking-up, but this time, melatonin induces lucid dreaming - a dreamlike state where you have full cognitive awareness. This sedates the thinking mind. Mystical episodes begin to happen. Essentially, at this point, the pineal gland is activated.

Pump pump it up!

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